A California physician was sentenced to more than a decade in prison for conspiring with a pharmacist to illegally distribute controlled substances. Should the pharmacist receive a similar sentence?
Do you often evaluate defecation function among patients with constipation who are on opioids or were recently on opioids? Let us know by taking the poll!
In two lower court trials, two physicians were accused and convicted of prescribing opioid pain medicine in violation of the Controlled Substances Act. Were they at fault?
Do you think the CDC's latest opioid prescribing guidelines have helped slow the opioid crisis in the United States? Take this poll to voice your opinion.
The CDC’s guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain outlines several recommendations. Do you know which type of opioid is recommended for patients initiating treatment for chronic pain?
Low-dose opioids are commonly prescribed for acute pain. However, patients with HIV can experience chronic pain that may require opioid use. Do your patients with HIV take opioids for pain?
The mother of a 28-month-old girl with a history of intrauterine opioid exposure brings the infant in with concerns of a low fever. While examining the patient's records, you realize that the infant...
The results of a recent study revealed a lack of consensus among clinicians regarding responses to marijuana use in patients who have been prescribed opioids. If a pattern of repeated cannabis use was...
Chronic opioid use in ankylosing spondylitis is becoming more common. How often do you prescribe opioids to your patients with AS? Let us know by taking this poll.