In part 2 of this 2-part episode, Dan Martin, MD, speaks about his team's research titled "The Epidemiology of Endometriosis is Poorly Known as the Pathophysiology and Diagnosis are Unclear," including the...
In this podcast, Jean Connors, MD, answers our questions about her session at the Anticoagulation Forum 2021, during which she presented about combination oral contraceptives, their use among different...
In this podcast, Dr Bachmann talks about correctional medicine, the conditions treated while individuals are incarcerated, how to ensure continuity of care after incarceration, the importance of mental...
International Menopause Society President Susan Davis, PhD, discusses key points from the latest consensus statement on the use of testosterone therapy in women. The statement has been endorsed by various...
Douglas S. Kwon, MD, PhD, from Harvard Medical School discusses his research on how the vaginal microbiome affects HIV transmission in women around the world.